
Monday, September 16, 2024

God Judges All

 September 16

GOD JUDGES ALL – Here is a solemn reminder and a sound warning, to every believer and non-believer alike. God is not just Creator and Owner of all that He has created, but He will be the judge of all things and people. Scripture emphatically informs us, without deviation that God will judge all our deeds, those in public and those in private. Be wise! Believe! Seek the Saviour Jesus still, to keep washing and cleansing you, regardless of how upright and good you think you are.


Judge of the entire world, thank You for Jesus our Saviour and Mediator. Amen!


Read Ecclesiastes 12: 13 - 14


Sunday, September 15, 2024

Timely God


Our God is timely, there’s no question about it,

Our God is timely, for Him there is no limit,

He does things according to His timing and plan,

Remember! He is God and not feeble like man.


Our God is timely, even when at times we find,

We’re not making it, that time’s leaving us behind,

And we become all down, downcast and downtrodden,

Remember!  He is God of earth and of heaven.


Our God is timely, He’s neither early nor late,

With our Lord and our Creator, we can relate,

When, like the wind He comes and we’ve many a why,

Remember! He is Creator of sea and sky.


Our God is timely, just think deeply about it,

He’s given us the Gift of His Holy Spirit,

Whose timely works are perfect, without fault or blame,

Remember! He is I AM! Precious, Holy Name.


Our God is timely, even when we think He’s not,

As pain and hardship become our unwanted lot,

See how God will work things out for our good and gain,

Remember! He is Holy, sing loud His refrain.



Change Is Now


September 15

CHANGE IS NOW – Jesus was by the Sheep Gate, when He saw a man whose feet were dead to him, for thirty-eight years. Jesus saw him and asked him if he wanted a change in his life. Will you be so utterly radical as to believe, without wavering that Jesus is asking you the same question? Whatever gift God has given to you that is dead to you, Jesus wants to restore now, if your faith will have it. Do you have hands, but they are dead to working for Christ? Do you have a mouth, but it is dead to proclaim the Gospel of the Lord? What have you got that is dead to you? Your time has come for change. Believe and Receive!

Yes Lord, I will gladly receive the changes You can work in me. Amen! 

Read John 5:  1 - 9


Saturday, September 14, 2024

Free Indeed

 September 14

FREE INDEED – Let nobody tell you that you are under the law, so that you live in bondage by the law that has become your daily condemnation. When Jesus came and offered us new life in Him, the law of the Spirit of life, set us free from the law of sin and death. In Jesus is our freedom so that we no longer have to live under the condemnation of the law.   


Thank You Lord Jesus for life in the Spirit. Amen!


Read Romans 8: 1 - 4




Friday, September 13, 2024



September 13

DISCRIMINATION – To judge people and discriminate against them because they are different from you, or because they are of poor, mean standing, is sin in the eyes of Father God. Discrimination creeps into our homes, schools, business places, clubs, fellowships and churches, often without notice. We are called to guard against any discrimination that is not of our Heavenly Father.  The Lord never ever discriminated against you, a sinner, so why turn and discriminate against one who is no different from you, since you all are sinners, in need of a Saviour.   


Lord, please forgive me and show me myself before You, every time I am tempted to discriminate against another. Amen!

Read James 2: 1 - 4


Thursday, September 12, 2024

A Radical Change

 September 12

A RADICAL CHANGE – Do you earnestly and sincerely want a radical change in your life? Are you truly dissatisfied with your mediocre, mundane, living, serving God with just the bare minimum?  If you know that your life as a disciple and follower of Jesus is lacking, then seek the Spirit’s help. The first thing you will need is to receive a deep cleansing and be clothed in the Lord’s righteousness. The Lord is waiting and ready to do for you as He did to Joshua. Are you ready to receive a radical change from the Lord God?  He is ready to do so right now.


Lamb of God, who takes away sins, have mercy upon me please, and remove all my sins, seen and unseen. Amen!

             Read Zechariah 3: 3 - 5


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Our Refuge And Stronghold


September 11

OUR REFUGE AND STRONGHOLD – God has given His word to His people, through His prophet Joel, that He will not abandon them in the day of the Lord. He has told them that even though darkness covers the earth, though the stars no longer shine, He will be their refuge. Though He comes with a mighty roar and thunders so that earth and heaven tremble, He will be a stronghold for His people. Are you a child of God?  Yet to all who believe him, to those who believe in his name, he gave the right to become children of God. John 1: 12. Believe in the Lord Jesus and He will guarantee that you are a child of God to whom belong the promise of protection. 


Almighty God, You never make Your own ashamed. Amen!

Read Joel 3: 16


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Born Of The Spirit


September 10

BORN OF THE SPIRIT – Here is a true, indisputable fact. Every single one of you who is reading these words, has been born of flesh. This is an unarguable fact because you and I are in this world because we were born of a woman. Now here is another indisputable fact. That you and I have been given flesh birth, proven by our very existence, does not in any way mean that we are born of the Spirit. You know that you have been born of the flesh, but do you know if you have been born of the Spirit? Flesh begets flesh and bears the fruit of flesh. Spirit begets Spirit and bears the fruit of Spirit.


Holy God, unless You confirm Your Spirit in me, I am but a lost soul. Amen!

Read John 3: 5 - 8



Monday, September 9, 2024

More Grace


September 9

MORE GRACE – Grace is given in measures. Did you know that? James, in his admonition, shows us that those who humble themselves before the Lord; those who are not haughty, arrogant and proud in their own eyes; those who seek only the will and way of God for their lives, will receive more grace. Yes, grace is free and no person works for grace. However, God does not uphold the proud and will not give His more grace to the proud, only to the humble. Humble yourself before God and others.


Humility pleases You, O Heavenly Father, this I know, so keep me ever humble please. Amen! 


Read James 4: 6


Sunday, September 8, 2024



September 8

FORGIVE – To receive forgiveness is one thing but to forgive others is quite a different matter. Too many of us hold grudges against those who have really offended us in huge ways. If we don’t hold a grudge, yet each time we see the person who wronged us, we remember the grievous wounds inflicted upon us, then that is not of God. That is only natural, you tell me, for you are only human. Exactly the point! It is because we are only human that we need an only Divine Holy Spirit to work His Divine works in us. To forgive, is a Divine work. Jesus has commanded us to forgive.


Lord Jesus, You who have forgiven my sins and remember them no more, teach me how to forgive please. Amen!


Read Luke 17: 3 - 4