
Sunday, July 24, 2022

Righteous in God's Sight


Those who hear God’s law are not righteous in God’s sight,

Just to hear it does not make one holy and right,

To recite the law by heart and know all it speaks,

Is not what the Lord requires, not what He seeks,

God’s given His law that all who hear will obey,

To do what the law commands, is the only way,

That all hearers will be made righteous in God’s eyes,

Listen! Hear and heed God, be obedient and wise.


Those who hear God’s given law and do what it says,

Seeking the Holy Spirit’s help in all their ways,

With heart, soul and mind they seek to heed and obey,

Shunning all that from God’s path will lead them astray,

For God looks only for hearers in obedience,

On them He drapes the righteousness of His Presence,

For those who hear and obey, God declares righteous,

Rejoice! Give thanks to God, for He is all glorious.   


Those who hear God’s law in His sight are not righteous,

Help me always of this truth to be conscious,

For to hear and heed Your law, yet in one point fall,

Makes me one with those who in no points, heed at all;

Lord, who can hear Your law and every tittle heed?

Just and Righteous God for Your mercy I do plead,

Please save me from false righteousness and help my plight,

Grant me grace to know the Righteous in God’s Sight.



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