
Sunday, August 7, 2022

Burden Of Proof


The burden of proof rests solely on me,

To bring facts for the gaping world to see,

Whether Sovereign God, my Lord and Master,

Is guilty or innocent in the matter;

It’s the matter of all His works and ways,

Of Him being true to the things He says,

To all who by faith, follow and believe,

His life, love and care, will always receive,

He promised, with Him, burdens are made light,

To give abundant life is His delight,

In this sinful world of woe and of want,

In Jesus I’m living life abundant.   


The burden of proof is still mine to show,

That the world my Jesus just does not know,

Am I an Absalom left in midair?

Proving without doubt my Lord does not care?

Have I in the snares of this world been left?

An abandoned child, lost, weak and bereft?

O no! Even with one glance look and see,

My Saviour, my Jesus has not left me,

Be not deceived by the world’s lying lip,

Do not from the world its sweet nectar sip,

For the burden of proof now rests with you,

Your life must show Jesus as pure and true.  








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