
Saturday, March 9, 2024

Healing Blood Of Jesus


In a time of utter darkness and dread,

When hopelessness and fear are what you’re fed,

The promises of God seem far away,

As each single moment brings more dismay;

When hope like a candle’s flickering low,

Dangerously low as the fierce winds blow,

You pray, but things seem to get no better,

They are getting much worse for that matter;

What do you do when faith is stretched to all?

And you feel that you’ll just collapse and fall?

When you are too weak to even hold on,

Doubts come: Is God One to depend upon?

Does He keep His promises, come what may?

Can you take Him at His Word, all the way?

The enemy is relentlessly fierce,

As doubts and hopelessness your soul would pierce,

Turn your head, look into Jesus’ face,

It is the encompassing face of grace,

Grace and mercy to the weak He doth give,

He gave His Blood so that we all might live,

Sinners, underserving of His pure Blood,

Sinners, bathed and healed in the cleansing flood, 

Since Jesus, His Blood interposed for us,

We look to the healing Blood of Jesus.



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