
Sunday, March 31, 2024

Trials to Triumph


Trials and sufferings of our Lord Jesus,

Still have the power to enlighten us,

That in each earthly struggle and trial,

We will know His victory in survival.


As Jesus was thrice tempted by Satan,

Proving indeed, He wore flesh – a human,

We’re encouraged, ere we face the devil,

Not to yield, in Christ we shun all evil.


The devil took Jesus to places high,

To have Him yield, O how Satan did try,

But our human Jesus, self, had denied,

On His Father, He heavily relied.


Yes, Jesus was tempted in all points as you,

No trials you face, will make this untrue,

This encouraging word, enlightens too,

Overcome in all things! Not just a few.


Jesus’ trials in the wilderness,

Prove the Father’s unfailing faithfulness

To Christ, and if Christ in you truly lives, 

It’s His strength and power to you He gives.


May God enlighten you on this Easter Day,  

Encourage and strengthen your faith, all the way,

That your walk will, every word of His endorse,

What else is there in Christ, but victory! Of course!


Victory I say in Jesus our Lord, Risen,

New life to all in faith has been given,

Sin has lost its work and way in Christ Jesus,

He lives to save each trusting one of us.




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