
Sunday, April 14, 2024

Plant Your Feet In Jesus


Plant your feet in Jesus,

He’s your sure solid ground,

Plant your feet in Jesus,

You’ll remain firm and strong.


Stay your thoughts in Jesus,

His mind is what you seek,

Stay your thoughts in Jesus,

Wise and true He’ll you keep.


Stake your life in Jesus,

He, abundant life gives,

Stake your life in Jesus,

He is not dead! He lives!


Fix your eyes in Jesus,

His Word is living Light,

Fix your eyes in Jesus,

Heed Him and walk aright.


Pin your all in Jesus,

By Him fully controlled,

Pin your all in Jesus,

Let His Name be extolled.


Plant your feet in Jesus,

His steps have never failed,

Plant your feet in Jesus,

In Him, you must prevail.




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