
Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Strong Or Weak


September 24

STRONG OR WEAK – Beware that one victory does not make you feel that you are an invincible warrior. Look at the picture of David today, the man whose fame as a mighty warrior has preceded him. Running away from Saul, who is insane with rage to kill him, David seeks refuge from the king of Gath. However, when he hears what is being told to the king about him, he becomes extremely afraid for his life. He who has bravely killed tens of thousands, is now very much afraid of one man, the King of Gath. Yes, there are times when we are brave and bold about some big things, but as weak as water, when it comes to some small things.


Father, I look to You, even in this little thing, for it scares me. Amen!

Read 1 Samuel 21: 10 - 13


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