
Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Alpha And Omega


August 31

APLHA AND OMEGA – God is your Beginning and He is your Ending. He will never begin a work with you and then leave you alone to fend for yourself. He is faithful and just to bring all things to its completion. He is no mediocre worker and He does not encourage mediocre workers either. Thank God for His faithfulness in bringing all things to His completion.

In Father, Son and Holy Ghost give thanks for this final day in a completed Church’s calendar year. It is God who has brought you to this day and this hour. It is God who has given you this privilege of life with Him and in Him. Bow before Him in gratitude for all that He has done and will do for you.

Thank You Lord; You are Alpha and Omega; First and Last; Beginning and Ending. Amen!

Read Revelation 22: 13


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