
Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Gideon's God


August 17

GIDEON’S GOD - Who is Gideon’s God? He is your God too. Like Gideon, when there’s a formidable battle to fight, although God has assured you of the victory, you go out and get the greatest number of soldiers you can find. But you need to learn the same lesson Gideon learnt about God. As Gideon proudly brings a 32,000 strong army to God, to his utter shock, God tells him that he has too much support, too many soldiers. God cuts down Gideon’s army by 31,700 and only leaves him with 300 men. Isn’t God EXTRA? Now all will know that God is with Gideon and has given him supernatural victory. Learn Gideon’s lesson. Go with Gideon’s God.


God of Gideon, You are the same God today. You are Lord. Amen!

Read Judges 7: 1 - 8a 


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