
Friday, August 19, 2022

Jealous Works


August 19

JEALOUS WORKS – Are you suffering because of the wicked works of jealousy? Don’t forget, with all Joseph had to endure, God was with him, as his ever present help and stay. In the very place to which he was sold; God raised him up to more than he ever dreamt he could be. Whatever disadvantages, or sufferings you may be enduring because of jealousy, do not be bitter or do not hold malice in your heart against anyone. God is with you and if you turn your entire life over to Him, in the midst of your maltreatment, God will turn it around and give beauty, prosperity and wholeness to your life.

Lord, sometimes I wonder why; why must I suffer this cross, but I thank You for bringing me to Spiritual sight and sense. I can see how You are blessing me. Amen!

Read Acts 7: 9 - 10


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