
Sunday, August 28, 2022

Show Me Lord


Show me Lord just where I must go,

Lead me Master for I don’t know,

Let me never my own path choose,

Father, all me to You I lose.


Show me Lord what is Your beauty,

Let me die to all that’s ugly,

Save me from ways that You deny,

Father I come, to You I cry.


Show me faith is the only way,

Let me never Your Word gainsay,

Keep me firm in Your Word ever,

Father, You are my Provider.


Show me to walk and work for You,

Wise me to all that is untrue,

Expose hidden deceits within, 

Father, save me from every sin. 


Show me Lord when You are pleased,

And when with me You are displeased,

For faith is still Your will and way,

Father, please hear me, this I pray. 




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