
Sunday, September 11, 2022

Where Is Your Faith


Where is your faith? He said to His companions,

As fear and panic grabbed hold of their actions,

Am I not with you, in the same storm tossed boat?

Am I not able to keep us all afloat?

You call Me your Lord, you call Me your Master,

You left home and friends, Me to follow after,

My disciples you are, following My way,

What, what has taken over your faith today?

Was it My sleeping state, My unconsciousness?

The fact of My apparent unawareness?

Do you not know, whether awake or asleep,

I am your protection, your guide and your keep?

Where is your faith in Me, tell Me why the fear,

When I Myself, your Master with you am here?

In astonishment, they looked at each other,

Fear and amazement covered them all over,

Who is this? In awe they asked one another,

What manner of person is this, our Master?

He even commands the stormy winds and sea,

They hear His strong voice and obey instantly,

                    The turbulent storm, threatening disaster,                                    

Is calmed and stilled by our Friend and our Teacher.

Where is our faith in You Jesus our Saviour,

In the midst of some life threatening danger?

E’en though of our plight, we think You’re not conscious,

Let us know Your presence forever with us;

As the raging sea, Your command did obey,

Let faith, our lives transform, Lord, without delay.





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