
Sunday, October 16, 2022



Choose to stay or choose to go,

It all depends on you, you know,

It’s not what happens in your life,

The turmoil and the bitter strife;

For in this earthly life of yours,

When evil’s hand upon you pours

Upon your life its bitterness,

Where are you in your ugliness?

You clothe yourself in shame and grief,

But where, O where is your belief?

Your mind forgets all that you know,

Your heart in faintness begins to grow,

You bear upon you, every blame,

Toting a heavy load of shame;

You see your sins, present and past,

And say sin’s curse on you will last;

The evidence is plain to see,

For the curse won’t let you be free.

 It’s plain, as days roll on and on,

Your hope of change is now all gone;

Whether you choose to go or stay,

All depends on your choice today.




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