
Saturday, February 24, 2024

Look To Me


Lord Jesus I’m afraid, I’m shivering within,

Before me is nothing but my state of sin,

I’m too weak to fight this unbeatable foe,

Who comes every time with a heavier blow,

I’m waning, I feel it, see how I am,

Pressures rush on like an overflowing dam,

I cannot shake this Lord, I am fast sinking,

And in my feeble, weak mind, I am thinking,

That You must have left me to be all alone,

To face this onslaught from the known and unknown,

Yet there is grace, for in the background playing,

I can hear You deep within, these words saying;

Look to Me, for I am with you, regardless,

I know very well that you are powerless,  

Unable to fight this war victoriously,

I promise to get you through, triumphantly,

I am Jesus your Lord, I speak not in vain,

My promises to you will ever remain,

Nothing that you must pass through, e’en right now,

Can ever determine My where, when or how,

I control all powers wicked though they be,

Even the most evil powers must bend to Me,

Believe Me! I know all your thoughts, they are real,  

Yes trust Me! I know exactly how you feel,

That’s why I have come to you in this hour,

Look to Me! Look now to My saving power.

My peace and protection are ever with you,

No darkness has ever conquered My Light true,

Persevere in true faith, in pure trust and sound hope,

Look to Me! You don’t know the spread of My scope.  


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