
Monday, March 25, 2024

Temple Desecration


March 25

TEMPLE DESECRATION – Jesus has zero tolerance for things which dishonour Father God and desecrate His Sacred House. How zero is zero you ask? Here’s an example. Jesus goes into the temple area and sees pure extortion, cheating, and more, as people are buying and selling to visitors who have come to Jerusalem for the Passover celebrations. He makes a whip and singlehanded, drives out all the people and their animals. Jesus has not changed about the temple being sacred for worship. You are His temple, the human dwelling in which His Spirit dwells. Do not desecrate His earthly temple. He will not take kindly to you. 

Lord Jesus, please cleanse me and make me fit for the Father’s glory. Amen!

Read John 2: 13 - 16


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