
Saturday, March 2, 2024

Thank God In All Things


March 3

THANK GOD IN ALL THINGSThis word is a total disaster, a downright insult and without feeling and sympathy, you cry out in your distress. You say, “How do you expect me to thank God for taking my spouse? How can I say thanks for the loss of my hearing or sight? Do you really expect me in my domestic crisis, a drastic unexpected life-changer, to just say thanks to God? No! I cannot do it! I will not pretend, for I am angry, disappointed and totally turned from God.” Yes, your Lord sees your pain and confusion and He also sees that You are angry with Him, no one else. He sees that you have given all power to Him. He will lead you to thank Him for who He is; your all loving Lord.

Only in You Lord, only in You. Amen!

Read 1 Thessalonians 5: 18


March 3

THANK GOD IN ALL THINGS – This word is a total disaster, a downright insult and without feeling and sympathy, you cry out in your distress. You say, “How do you expect me to thank God for taking my spouse? How can I say thanks for the loss of my hearing or sight? Do you really expect me in my domestic crisis, a drastic unexpected life-changer, to just say thanks to God? No! I cannot do it! I will not pretend, for I am angry, disappointed and totally turned from God.” Yes, your Lord sees your pain and confusion and He also sees that You are angry with Him, no one else. He sees that you have given all power to Him. He will lead you to thank Him for who He is; your all loving Lord.

Only in You Lord, only in You. Amen!

Read 1 Thessalonians 5: 18



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