
Saturday, March 2, 2024

Jesus The Healer


Jesus the Healer, is He still around?

As in those Bible days when He was thronged?

People brought the sick to Him to be healed,

No kind of sickness by Him was repealed,

For whether they came on crutches or beds,

Or whether the illness dealt with their heads,

No condition took Jesus by surprise,

Born blind or not, He opened blinded eyes,

The lame of all degrees were made to walk,

Deaf and dumb were able to hear and talk,

Even when it came to mental issues,

Jesus, never had to make an excuse,

He could make all disturbed minds well and free,

Jesus Christ is Healer, won’t you agree?


Jesus the Healer, can He still be seen?

Healing sick people who to Him have been?

Where is He found, where is He located?

Is there a place where He’s situated?   

Where do we find the Healer in our day?

Is He there present, when to Him we pray?   

Like those folks of old who to Him did plead,

Does He hear our pleas and answer our need?

Sick, still come to Him asking and seeking,

Many in His Name, healing is speaking,

But many are left with sick conditions,

Left with deep unanswered apprehensions,

Why, Jesus is able to heal the sick,

But does He first have to choose and to pick?


 Jesus the Healer, are You not conscious?  

Of the many sick folk who are with us?

Lord, are we to change our thoughts about You?

And all those healings that You used to do?

Is it that we are in a different day?

Thus healings can’t take place in the same way?

Lord grant us wisdom, clear understanding,

That takes away all misunderstanding,

Are You the same Healer as days of yore?

Do you heal people as You did before?

This one thing is certain, yes very true,

Healing comes to only a frugal few,

Save us Jesus, for You are our Healer,

Heal our minds, Holy Spirit, Revealer.  



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