
Sunday, March 24, 2024

Trials And Temptations


Though great trials and temptations come your way,

Be not afraid! Just remember what I say,

These times have to come to every single one,

For the work of the deceiver must be done,

Without his works there would be no temptation,

Then how would you prove that faith can his works shun?

What true vict’ry would you have in Christ Jesus?

If Satan were not allowed to try us?

I, your Lord, have given him the permission,

To sift you as wheat, under My direction,

For no trial or temptation that you face,

Can ever be beyond My sure saving grace,

So wherever you are in your life’s journey,

Even when My path you cannot trace or see;

Faith must be your stubborn, unmoveable walk,

And your Spirit-charged, unalterable talk,  

The devil must work, but it’s for a season,

Fix your mind on why this is so, the reason,

Each time you face some temptation and trial,

You’re facing them with your Jesus triumphal,

Give God full praise and thanks even in this sort,

You’re a saved life that by Jesus has been bought,

Though trials and temptations you face today,

Don’t lose heart! I your Lord am with you; to stay.

Thank You for this word of unstinting hope,

For Lord, You know and see, I just cannot cope,

But Your promises to weaklings are not vain,

True and unchanging in Your Word You remain.





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