
Sunday, March 17, 2024

Trust God


No promises of God are ever vain,

Trust His word in suffering and in pain,

He is not a God empty words to speak,

Especially to the needy and weak;

God sees His own wherever they may be,

His delight is to set the captives free;

Are you a captive of despair and woe?

The evils of life, is that all you know?

Is your life overrun by misfortune?

Do you cry to God, morning, night and noon?

Are you weakening daily under stress?

Are you seeing everything as hopeless?

You want to trust God, you know He is real,

But it seems your sick body, He’ll not heal,

You wait and wait for some relief, some ease,

For you pray and beseech and beg Him please,

To have mercy on you and heed your plight,

That your life’s a mess, a most sorry sight;

The tempter comes in your very weak state,

Convincing you, you can’t with God relate,

Saying you are not worthy of His grace,

That sin has brought upon you this disgrace,

You look at yourself becoming weaker,

And start to wonder about your Maker,   

Why does He hear others but never me?

Why doesn’t He on me show some pity?

But ere I give in to the tempter’s snare,

God’s comforting voice within me I hear,

Blessed are you if on Me do you rely,

Naught I’ve promised will prove in you a lie.





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