
Sunday, March 17, 2024

Plaintive Cry


March 17

PLAINTIVE CRY – Lord, I spread my hands wide to You, but do You show wonders to the dead? I will sing hymns and songs to You, but do You listen to those who are in the grave? I am in the throes of destruction, but does Your faithfulness extend so far? I am in the evil, dark pit of depression, but is Your Love declared in such darkness? I am as one in the land of no return, for all hope is gone and all I have as my constant companion is darkness, and depression. Can Your righteous deeds reach this bottomless pit? Yet I know a Name: I ask in the Name of Jesus.

Lord God, I only know a Name and it is Jesus. I only speak a Name and it is Jesus. Let me not die in this body, mind and soul, without Jesus. Amen!

Read Psalm 88: 8 – 12


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