
Thursday, April 4, 2024

Miracle Maneuver


April 4

MIRACLE MANEUVER – When you maneuver a vehicle, be it a bicycle or a shopping cart, you control it along tricky pathways to safely get to your destination. This is what you are trying to do with your life today, but you are not managing. You become distressed and distraught because of the increasing hardships of life. Why not give up and give over to God?  Believe you me, His Word is not a gimmick to catch you and make you more burdened and sorrowful. No! A million times no! God is His Word and His Word is God. He will never ever disappoint you.


Lord Jesus, God Incarnate, I give over to You; I must, for I am totally beaten. Save me and help me please. Amen!

Read 1 Peter 5: 6 - 7


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