
Sunday, September 1, 2024

A Message To Tell


I’ve a message to tell to the people,

From deep valley or on high steeple,

A message that’s old yet forever new,

That will change and reform each one of you,

For it tells of Jesus, the One true Way,

God, in human flesh, came our sins to pay,

Dying on the cross a sinner’s full death,

Unmatched love, in full height, depth, length and breadth,

Powerful love, that still the sinner seeks,

Redeeming love, that to each sinner speaks,

Yes! I have a message, simple and plain,

Lose all the world and Saviour Jesus gain,

For though, as He hung there, nailed to the cross,

It seemed His work was a pathetic loss,

As the chastisement of sin spared Him not,

Your punishment and mine is what He got,

He never murmured, He never complained,

Even when life from His Body was drained,    

Jesus, God in flesh, in fullest measure,

Faced, in hell’s sojourn, sin’s fullest pressure,

Suffered, bled and died, counting not the cost,

Love bore it all, to save the sinful lost;

I’ve a message to tell of saving grace,

Of One who suffered and died in my place,

My message to you is simple and true,

Believe that Jesus Christ died to save you,

Believe, from the grave He rose victorious,

Believe that life in Him is glorious,

Will you accept my message old, not new?

That in you love’s message will take bright view.   




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