
Sunday, September 15, 2024

Timely God


Our God is timely, there’s no question about it,

Our God is timely, for Him there is no limit,

He does things according to His timing and plan,

Remember! He is God and not feeble like man.


Our God is timely, even when at times we find,

We’re not making it, that time’s leaving us behind,

And we become all down, downcast and downtrodden,

Remember!  He is God of earth and of heaven.


Our God is timely, He’s neither early nor late,

With our Lord and our Creator, we can relate,

When, like the wind He comes and we’ve many a why,

Remember! He is Creator of sea and sky.


Our God is timely, just think deeply about it,

He’s given us the Gift of His Holy Spirit,

Whose timely works are perfect, without fault or blame,

Remember! He is I AM! Precious, Holy Name.


Our God is timely, even when we think He’s not,

As pain and hardship become our unwanted lot,

See how God will work things out for our good and gain,

Remember! He is Holy, sing loud His refrain.



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