
Sunday, July 31, 2022

Personal Signs


July 31


PERSONAL SIGNSWhen God called Moses, he was most unsure and tentative. God promised that Moses would do signs and wonders in His Name. Moses would do things he had never done before. God’s reason for giving His servant this power was that the people would know that God Himself was with Moses and had sent him. Among the signs was a personal sign, as Moses saw God’s power work in him, in his person.

When Jesus gave His instructions to His disciples, before leaving them to return to His Father, He commissioned them to go and preach the Good News to all people. He then told them of signs that would accompany all who believed in His Name. You are included in, ‘all who believe.’ In the Name of Jesus what personal signs are you evidencing? What is God doing in you that will cause others to know that you are a sent servant of the Lord?

Jesus said that signs and wonders would accompany all who believe. Jesus does not deceive the believer.


Holy Spirit, I believe. Please help my obvious unbelief. Thank You for hearing me. Amen!


Read Exodus 4: 6 - 7


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