
Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Miracle Mind Change


February 29

MIRACLE MIND CHANGE – All was not lost that day, when people were shouting to have Jesus crucified and treated as though He were the devil from Hell, himself. The story is told of one of the soldiers, one whose job was to crucify sinners, receiving a miracle change of mind, regarding the prisoner whom all said was not of God. It is reported that when this centurion saw the miraculous things which were happening when Jesus died, he believed and gave praise to God. His bold, open confession was this. Surely, this was a righteous man. Luke 23: 47. Are you, in the midst of all the nasty things being said and done to Jesus, able to have such a personal testimony of conviction?  

Miracle working God, grant me a mind change also. Amen!  

Read Luke 23: 44 – 49


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