
Monday, April 22, 2024

Self Image


April 22

SELF IMAGE – How do you see yourself? Do you judge others according to you? No! You say, definitely not, but you must examine yourself and see to it that you are not living in falsity. To look at a sinner, who has committed the most heinous crimes and think, what a monster for a man or woman, is to say that you are above any such sin. You cast all negative, evil thoughts and words on the guilty one, while saying to yourself or your friends that you can never do something so horrible to another human being. Beware that you do not think of yourself more highly than you ought.

Holy Lord, grant me the wisdom to see and know that I am a sinner and fall way short of Your glory. Let me see me as all other sinners and seek You, my Saviour. Amen! 

Read Romans 12: 2 - 3


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