
Saturday, August 31, 2024

God's Fame


August 31

GOD’S FAME – Have you heard of the fame of God? Have you heard and been awed by His deeds? Like the prophet Habakkuk, when you pray to this awesome, almighty, inimitable, infallible Deity, do you not seek His might and power to be renewed and made visibly known as in time past? When you look around at how the peoples of the world have taken control and have thrown out as garbage, all that is of God and Godliness, do you not pray for God to work, as you have heard about His terrible acts? If you have heard, like His believing servant, Habakkuk, pray.


In our time, O Omnipotent God, make Your fame known; in Your wrath please remember Your mercy. Amen!

Read Habakkuk 3: 2


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